Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Snowy school run

What a beautifully snowy and sunny journey back from dropping Martha off at pre-school this morning. Despite the hazardous and very slow driving along small snowy and icy lanes I had to stop and take a few photos with my phone. I love the stark contrasts of lines and shapes against the blanket of snow in the fields in the background coupled with the bright sunshine casting lovely shadows. And to think we had reservations about moving somewhere so rural and isolated....... - yes it is quite isolated but so beautiful also that it hasn't bothered me once. I feel very lucky to have all this on my doorstep.

I've moved into my new studio now and been working here over a week already. It's a bit of a tip but I can organise as I go along. It feels like a weight has been lifted off me being able to close the door properly and switch off my computer at the end of the night and walk down the path and leave work behind a little. I was getting into bad habits of leaving my computer switched on all the time when I worked in the house. That meant sneaky checking of emails around the clock and no clear distinction between work and home. It feels better already - just that bit of distance makes such a difference. 

Pulse is booked for May and I've begun on new designs and new products. This is always my favourite time of year when I can really get on with new things and feel I have a few months of creativity ahead. (Then it gets to April/May and I realise I've run out of time.. and the frustration sets in....!)
Anyway for now I'll continue with my optimism....

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Nearly there...

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a relaxing Christmas and New Year. I'm springing into January with a flourish - no January blues here.
My fantastic long desk is installed and I'm tantalisingly close to moving all my things over from the house to the studio... - that's my goal for this week (as well as getting back on top of orders and my huge long list of things to do).

Other less immediate goals and plans are forming constantly in my head it's going to be a busy but hopefully fulfilling 2013. There's nothing quite like a new year for a good old kick up the bottom work- wise!