I've finally got a little bit of time to blog some photos of my stand at Pulse. They're not the best photos - taken in a hurry and before the stand was finished (hence the bubble wrapped prints and plastic on the floor still) but you get the general idea.
It was great to be back in London - even though I only saw Earls Court, Clapham and Wandsworth and the train line between the three! Good all the same.
I met some great new shops and contacts, chatted to existing stockists and put some faces to names and had fun showing my new designs - all of which have proved popular (I'll do a post on this very soon too). Welcome to all my new stockists - I'll also do a proper post about them soon.
I even managed to fit in a night out catching up with friends who were also fellow exhibitors over mojitos, wine and food. We felt we deserved it after a long day talking to people.
So all in all a good show and well worth the effort and stress preceding it. I'm now busy with orders again and trying to fit in as much work as possible before a much-needed holiday. My evening working has been a little curtailed by a sudden shift in the sleeping patterns of our daughter - resulting in some very very late nights last week (and joyously early mornings!) but hopefully we'll get back to normal soon. Fingers crossed.