I've been feeling a little dreary all week. What with the gloomy turn in the weather and a general lethargy and lack of enthusiasm on my part it's been a dull week.
So it was nice to end the week on a good note. A walk in the woods with my daughter, my sister and her twin boys. Lots of splashing in muddy puddles, collecting of leaves and running after small children. We were tired but a big slice of cake each (and a big coffee for my sister and me) perked us up a little! It was lovely to have some sunshine and to get outside and spend some time together. I need to get out more often and blow away the cobwebs once in a while. (Note the spotting of a little bit of type on a tree - the bird/owl boxes are all numbered and I quite like the bits of random codes/type popping up on the trees!)
Blog posts have been few and far between again. I've had a distinct lack of time and news again I'm afraid. As always I hope to change all that.
In amongst the usual card printing, folding, cutting, packaging and sending orders that makes up my week I made a small start on my new collaboration with Snowhome. When its progressed a little more I'll give more away...... but in the meantime all I'll say is the ink brush and pot are coming back out again!