I've been quite surprised by how much creative Royal memorabilia has appeared on blogs and websites over the past few months. With a Royal wedding looming you expect the usual plates, bowls, tea-towels and mugs and Royal wedding memorabilia is not famed for being the most stylish or fashionable but a huge number of designers have embraced the opportunity to design their own creative takes on these traditionally fairly dull mass-produced commemorative pieces. Of course there will still be the dull mass-produced 'tat' which accompanies such an occasion but there's also some witty, hand printed and limited edition pieces.
I'm not particularly Royalist or anti-Royalist but the collector in me loves the whole idea of memorabilia and how that can be a little piece of history to be kept over time. I also love the way that while the big companies see it as a way to make money, the small designers are making well-designed alternatives for the reason that memorabilia was made in the first place - to commemorate a special day with a lasting piece. I also like it if that's done with a keen design eye and a small touch of humour.
So my 'William and Kate' mug arrived yesterday from designer Fifi Howard. It will go on the shelves in the kitchen as a little piece of history. I've bought it for our daughter Martha as the 29th April will be her 2nd birthday so we'll be having a small party- not necessarily for the wedding - though I will watch it - but to celebrate our little girls birthday (2 years already - how did that happen?!)
Mug - Fifi Howard, gloves - Donna Wilson, Print - Glyn West Design , Tea Towel - Charlotte Lucie Farmer
1 comment:
wow isn't it amazing WIlls and Kate is everywhere! SO tempting to get something but not quite sure what!
Love the mug and how much fun celebrating a 2nd Birthday as well as THE wedding of the year!
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