The tree photos are of the newest additions to our Christmas tree. We don't have a very co-ordinated tree but instead have a very eclectic mixture of decorations which have caught my eye over time. I bought a few wooden stars from Posh Graffiti this year. Also - the best find was the vintage baubles which my mum had hidden away which belonged to my Grandma and Grandad and I think they're beautiful. They're so much daintier and prettier than all the naff stuff in the shops these days. Plus they're a little worn and have a bit of history about them. Needless to day they're high up away from small hands!
We have some lovely cards sent to us by talented friends including the stag card by Dear Prudence and the robin postcard is by Anwen Williams.
The Elk card is by the very talented Paul Farrell. I love this card and wish I had bought one for someone. The Christmas tree cards in beautiful greens are Our Workshop. The bottom four images are from the brilliant Present and Correct which is a constant favourite of mine. I love their clean and quirky style. They combine a bit of humour, lovely colours, originality and stationery which is a pretty great combination for me. I found all these images a few weeks ago but haven't had time/forgot to post them so apologies if you see something you like and now can't order it in time - bit frustrating possibly! I wanted to share them before the festivities were all done with for another year.
I'll hopefully be back with a little farewell post before I collapse on the sofa and try my best to relax over Christmas and new year!
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